This is a sturdy B-category hiking shoe with an extra wide last. If your shoes are always too narrow, but you still want to go into the mountains with suitable shoes, these hiking shoes offer the solution. Longer trips with a reasonable pack, hikes over boulders or hikes high in the mountains on steep paths are a piece of cake with these shoes.
Meindl has designed an even wider fit for the Bernina than the average Meindl fit. Thanks to the unique Comfort-Fit footbed with cork and felt, this shoe offers more support and comfort. The stiff sole and sturdy upper provides the support you need on uneven terrain. You will not easily sprain your ankle and your feet will become less tired, because you cannot feel the surface through the sole.
- Upper Material: Leather
- Shoe category: B
- Closure: Laces
- Water repellent
- wide
- Weight: 870 grams
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