Handlebar bags are ideal for when you are on a cycling holiday or doing a nice cycling route. The advantage of a handlebar bag is that you have all your necessities at hand and do not necessarily have to stop when you need something. Handlebar bags are small and compact, and they won’t bother you while cycling. Thanks to the shoulder straps, the handlebar bags can also be used separately from your bike. The brands we offer in this area are Ortlieb and Vaude .
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Handlebar bags are ideal for when you are on a cycling holiday or doing a nice cycling route. The advantage of a handlebar bag is that you have all your necessities at hand and do not necessarily have to stop when you need something. Handlebar bags are small and compact, and they won’t bother you while cycling. Thanks to the shoulder straps, the handlebar bags can also be used separately from your bike. The brands we offer in this area are Ortlieb and Vaude .