This first aid kit is suitable for those going away for up to a week and with minimal equipment. This kit is handy to always have at hand, for short trips, activities or in the car.
Contents of the Compact First Aid Kit
Sterile compress 5×5 cm, 5 pieces
Non-adhesive Compress 10×10 cm, 2 pieces
Hydrophilic bandage 5 cm x 4 m
Wound plasters 19×38 mm, 5 pieces
Wound plasters 25×72 mm, 5 pieces
Wound plasters 60×100 mm, 5 pieces
Quick bandage 12×12 cm
Adhesive plaster, roll 2.5 cm x 5 m
Vinyl gloves, 2 pairs
Alcohol wipes, 6 pieces
First aid scissors (small)
Safety pins, 6 pieces
Weight: 235 grams